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Microneedling is a safe and effective hair stimulation treatment and is also useful to help to treathair loss. 

Microneedling is tiny needles which create micro wounds to the skin and stimulate a healing response which kick starts the production of collagen, leading to plumper, glowier skin. 

But it is not just our faces that benefits from microneedling, the scalp can too. Just like the skin on the face the scalp also loses collagen as we age resulting in slow hair growth and dormant hair follicles.75-80% of the skin is made up of collagen this includes the skin on the scalp and whilst collagen is best known as the protein that helps keep your face firm and young-looking, it is also essential for hair health. 

Both collagen and hair follicles exist within the same layer of the skin which is the dermis and when the collagen production slows down, which tends to be around the age of 30 it can affect the strength of your hair follicles. 

Luckily microneedling is a pain free effective way to increase your natural production of protein, not only this but it also brings blood flow and nutrients to the scale and induces new stem cells that support hair growth. 


  • Microneedling / Dermaroller - 1Hr - £80

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*Permanent make-up and Aesthetic treatments require a booking fee at the time of booking. Booking fees for these treatments are non-refundable. In order to facilitate the running of the clinic appointment system, 48 hours notice of cancellation is required for these appointments. Once we have received notice of 48 hours of the date and time of the scheduled appointment, the booking fee may be carried forward to a future appointment attended within 6 months of the date of cancellation. 

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