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99% of people do not have perfect brows, in fact, most sets of brows are not symmetrical and therefore by having this treatment you can bring the WOW effect to your brows!

Throughout your life your eyebrows will change, this could be due to a number of things mainly over plucking, aging and possibly ill-health. Investing in permanent makeup can help to restore your brows which will instantly enhance your entire facial features, frame your face and open up your eyes making you appear younger and even more beautiful than you naturally are.

Hair strokes are perfectly implanted into the skin using precise techniques to blend, lift and define the brow as well as adding warmth, expression and depth and improving and enhancing the shape. Jemma also offers a powdered effect to her clients.

The brows are shaded over to give the effect that the client has constant perfectly applied water-proof, smudge-proof and completely natural makeup so you can wake up perfect every day! On your appointment, Jemma will take her time and spend around 30-40 minutes designing the brows to suit your expectations and make them as symmetrical as is physically possible. If you get your eyebrows waxed or tinted please have this done 72 hours prior to your procedure.

Straight after your procedure, your brows will appear bolder but the colour will soften as the tissue heals in a few days.

The treatment is not deemed complete until you have had your top up 4-6 weeks after your initial procedure to make slight alterations and add more colour. Once you have had this it’s recommended you have annual colour boosts to keep them looking fresh.

Some eyebrows may need additional procedures to achieve the desired results and fees may apply for this.

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You may have heard of different names for permanent eyebrows, names like microblading, ombre, hair stroke, 3D, nano brows, powder brows, micropigmentation to name just a few, all of these are just different styles of permanent brows and are ALL cosmetic tattooing.

Microblading IS cosmetic tattooing just like micropigmentation. The difference between the two is that microblading is performed with a hand tool and micropigmentation is cosmetic tattooing using a digital device, both can achieve amazing results if done by a talented technician.

Ombre brows, 3D brows, powder are all just different styles of shading techniques. 

At your consultation you can discuss your desired look with Jemma where she will create a bespoke treatment plan for you and fully explain what style of brow she feels will best suit your face shape. 






  • Eyebrows(3D, hairstroke, Ombre) - £280

  • Combination Brows - £280

  • Microblade Eyebrows - £250

ALL prices include 6 week touch up session

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*Permanent make-up and Aesthetic treatments require a booking fee at the time of booking. Booking fees for these treatments are non-refundable. In order to facilitate the running of the clinic appointment system, 48 hours notice of cancellation is required for these appointments. Once we have received notice of 48 hours of the date and time of the scheduled appointment, the booking fee may be carried forward to a future appointment attended within 6 months of the date of cancellation. 

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